Who had Michael Oher dropping a bombshell about his role in “The Blind Side” and finding out he was conservatized instead of adopted? Okay, so Michael Oher had made it known publicly before this, and throughout his professional career, about how much he hated the way the movie portrayed him as a “not so bright” but physically developed athletic kid who was massive for his age. An out of luck kid on the wrong side of trouble, who needed a break – which the Tuohy family thought they were giving the kid. This feel-good story got picked up and massively published in the film “The Blind Side ”, which made over $300 million. I mean, this movie was an instant classic with Sandra Bullock absolutely crushing her role. Anyway, something triggered Michael Oher to investigate, and in February of 2023 his lawyer uncovered the document stating it was a conservatorship – not an adoption. Even going as far as saying they took advantage of this conservatorship deal to negotiate million-dollar royalties for themselves (Sean Tuohy, Leigh Anne Tuohy, and their birth children).
Michael Oher’s ‘Conservatorship’
Michael thought he had been adopted by the family, but the conservatorship basically made Sean and Leigh Anne his agents/guardians. Sean has gone on record saying they “didn’t make any money off the movie”, and then went on to only share the book proceeds, which the movie is based on. The book was Michael Oher’s memoir, “I Beat the Odds.” Now this seems reasonable, as the Tuohys owned a massive fast-food chain, which they ended up selling for multi-millions, so why would they need the money? But isn’t that the ongoing narrative of people who have lots of money – that they always want more?
This is so weird because they have actually done events together after his football career. In the public eye, he was a loving son to a loving family. The legal evidence, that Oher has been backing up a lot of his claims with, paints a different picture. The lawyer who previously assisted in establishing the Tuohy-Oher conservatorship has now shifted their focus to aiding Michael in a lawsuit against the Tuohy family. This attorney was also responsible for negotiating the second royalty agreement between Tuohy and Fox, which ultimately resulted in significant financial gains from the movie. This particular deal essentially reduced Michael’s entitlement to royalties and movie profits, all in accordance with the terms outlined in the conservatorship.
Why Did Information Take So Long To Find Out?
When this was all going on, Michael Oher was in the trenches of the NFL every day. He didn’t have time to look into all of this until after his football career ended. Regardless, this has been building up and, with these accusations, it was the final nail in the coffin. There’s also plenty of evidence about how poorly he thought he was portrayed: A big, dumb kid who’s good at sports. Even though he felt that way, he still enjoyed the overall message of the movie. After retiring from football, he began exploring new ventures, such as padel court construction.
Who Was Right, Who Was Wrong & Where Is Michael Oher Now?
How should our emotions be stirred in this situation? Who holds the moral high ground, and who bears the blame? It’s crucial to emphasize that Michael Oher bears no responsibility for these circumstances. I honestly hope he receives the fair and just resolution that he rightfully deserves. This protracted ordeal has dragged on for far too long and is a painful revelation for our society. What was once a beautiful portrayal of love, care, and equality has now been tarnished and can no longer serve as a shining symbol of love.
Oher’s focus now extends beyond financial considerations, as he attempts to hold accountable those individuals who deceived him and profited from his affection – people he once believed to be his family.